
10 Fun Ways to Enjoy Outdoor Play This Summer!

Claritin® is looking for 1.2 MILLION kids spend more time outside.

August 8, 2021

 *The author was compensated for this article, but ideas and opinions are her own.

The lazy, hazy days of summer are on the horizon - woohoo! Often though, families plan to spend a lot of time outdoors, but find it difficult to translate into reality. Did you know that 72% of parents surveyed wish their families spent more time outside and 49% who do get out find their kids are bored?! If this is you, you're not alone. It can sometimes be difficult to light that creative spark when getting outside - especially after a long winter. This is why our friends at Claritin® launched The Outsideologist Projecta multi-year initiative aimed at getting 1.2 million kids outside playing for an extra hour per week.


Most of us have fond memories of a childhood spent outside; from bike riding to playing tag, it all just came so naturally. These are memories we cherish and we want our kids to have these opportunities as well. Experts will remind us, spending time outside builds confidence in kids, promotes happiness and creativity, and even teaches responsibility.  

Sometimes the easiest way to bridge that gap is to let go a bit. Outdoor play doesn't need to be elaborate or come with expensive gadgets. The best thing about the great outdoors is that it's open and available to all of us - just waiting to be discovered. The Outsideologist Project harnesses this simplicity and provides expert-guided activities for you to try - like turning a blade of grass into a whistle or collecting rocks to make a sundial. Parents will be thrilled these are low maintenance activities and access to them is 100% free.

Enter to win an Outsideologist Project Kit from the makers of Claritin®. Each kit includes items to inspire your child’s outdoor exploration as well as samples of Children’s and Adult’s Claritin® so Outsideologists of all ages can get the powerful, non-drowsy allergy relief they need to embrace the wonders of the outdoors. Use as directed. Click HERE to enter! NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. Sweepstakes is open to legal residents of the United States who are at least 18 years of age at time of entry. Sweepstakes commences at 12:00AM ET on 7/16/21 and ends at 11:59PM ET on 8/16/21. Subject to Official Rules at For prize descriptions see Official Rules.

You can check out and join The Outsideologist Project via Facebook or Instagram

Here are a few more outdoor activities to spark imaginative play:

  1. Outdoor chef- 
    Round up some old (or plastic) spoons, bowls, pans, etc. and set the kids free to collect items for their kitchen. Flowers, water, grass, dirt... if you haven't had a mud cupcake, you're missing out. 
  2. Nature Walk with homemade "binoculars"- 
    Cut a paper towel roll in half and tape them together to make a quick set. Then go for a walk in your yard to explore. For a fun twist, pretend they are "magic" and you're in a jungle - what kind of animals can your child pretend to spot?
  3. Puddle Play-
    Few things will ever be more exciting to kids than puddles. Put them in clothes that can be ruined and let them at it. You can also show them how a leaf can turn into a "boat" in a stream/puddle. 
  4. Chalk-
    I love chalk for its versatility, you can draw, practice ABCs, play hopscotch, and wet it to see how the color and texture change too!  
  5. Creek Exploration-
    Bring a bucket and a magnifying glass to see what creatures you can find. 
  6. Build a fort/house for tiny friends-
    Building forts is a fan favorite. But, for a twist, have your child imagine they are making a home for an animal friend. Gather sticks, rocks, and leaves, then see what your budding architect creates.  
  7. Bubbles-
    Another universal winner. Bubbles will never not be fun. Whether they are regular dip-stick or the giant bubbles - it will make for an hour or more of fun for kids (and kids at heart).
  8. Sticks- 
    Gather a few sticks and make a rule. The stick can be anything - except a stick. Are you a brave knight? A painter? A magician? A superhero? Only time will tell.
  9. Hike/Walk- 
    To add a little fun, play a game of I Spy along the way or see how many birds, squirrels, flowers, fish, etc. you can spot.
  10. Garden- 
    A small vegetable or flower garden/pot is a favorite of my kids. Not only do they think it's fun to plant and water, but observing the small changes each day as they grow is like magic for them (not to mention educational!).