
Celebrate National Yoga Day by Trying Out These Kid Friendly Poses!

Yoga is just as beneficial to kids as adults, learn how to incorporate your littles.

June 18, 2021

June 21st is National Yoga Day and we've teamed up with Blue Zen Wellness Collective to share three easy ways to celebrate.  Whether you know a lot or little about yoga, you've most likely heard of its benefits.  Yoga helps stretch your body and ease your mind; but did you know these benefits extend to kids too- perhaps even more so.  Teaching kids mindfulness and the ability to overcome challenges is invaluable; whether they be physically challenging our bodies, mentally by training our minds to be still and find calm, or our hearts by learning to be kind to ourselves-yoga can help build a foundation of wellness for your whole family.  

Life is busy and messy and often there is precious little time find calm. So this Yoga Day, challenge yourself to take a few minutes and try these fun poses.  They can be done at home and you can even incorporate the kids! Having a hard time imagining how your rambunctious kids can fit into a peaceful yoga routine?  Take these three tips from Pam at Blue Zen

1) Make it child-centered. Let your imaginations fly.  It's perfectly fine to imagine you are dinosaurs on an adventure or cookies baking in the oven (when practicing stillness).  Make it fun for kids by incorporating their favorites and they will be all about yoga time. 

2) Flexibility of the mind is just as important as flexibility of the body. As we all know, rarely do things with kids go according to plan.  Maybe your kid can't quite hang for a full session & you have to wrap up early. Amending your environment and expectations is just as important as modifying the poses for kids to practice along, side by side. 

3) Yoga is not about perfection - it is about joy. This one is my personal favorite.  To enjoy the benefits of yoga one needs to be able to relax, so let all your preconceived notions about what your yoga session "should look like" go and just enjoy.   Your kids will pick up your queue too, bringing a bit more zen to your life. 

"Laughter should absolutely be a part of your yoga practice. Forget about having perfect form, forget about the hole in your pants, your messy hair or the living room rug needing vacuumed....and just take some time to create a fun and safe environment for you to connect, explore and enjoy!" - Pam Gormish

Below are three fun poses to get you started with a kid-incorporated yoga routine at home.  There are more videos and ideas online, or you can connect with the team at Blue Zen to learn about their family yoga and other options all come with a relaxed, come as you are approach. 

 Blue Zen Wellness Collective is located right in Pottstown and strives to serve all.  With a wide variety of wellness options at affordable rates, each practitioner works to help you reach your wellness goals.  At Blue Zen, you'll of course find yoga, but you can also book a professional massage with a LMT for pain management or indulgent relaxation, experience Reiki and crystal healing, practice meditation for a healthier mind and lifestyle, or seek answers through a reading for peace of mind.   

28 S Charlotte St, Pottstown


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