Working parents everywhere are faced with the same question each summer.... "how do I give my child a summer of fun while working full time?" Luckily, Kiddie Academy of Royersford is here to answer that question. Kids ages 5-12 are welcome to enroll in the Camp Ventures program. Unlike traditional daycare, Camp Ventures takes the core Life Essentials curriculum Kiddie Academy is known for and injects in a ton of fun! Your kids will get plenty of sunshine and outside experiences throughout the summer. From hands on projects, field trips, visiting entertainment, water play days, and more your kids will be having the time of their lives this summer.
We know kids love variety, so each week will bring new themed events, keeping the summer exciting for all. Added bonus for parents- learning still happens. Kids are welcome to explore their interests throughout the summer through various projects and really learning from the world around them. At the end of the summer you can be confident that your child not only had a great summer, but that he is ready for the next school year- no summer slide here! Kiddie Academy is there to support your child and inspire her imagination this summer while balancing her individual needs and interests. For a summer camp experience you can feel confident in, look no further than Kiddie Academy of Royersford.